- I received a Free Trial notification from the Doteasy Email Protection System.
We have recently upgraded the Doteasy email spam filtering service to the Doteasy Email Protection System. If you have received a Doteasy Email Protection System Free Trial notification, please be advised that your account has been selected for a special limited-time offer free trial of the serv ...
- What are Quick Links?
Because of the hierarchical arrangement of the Doteasy Email Protection System, it may take two clicks to get to a page. Some pages allow you to add them to a personal menu of "Quick Links". For example, go to the Rules > Senders page. At the bottom of the page is a button called "Add to Q ...
- How do I delete a user account?
To delete an email user account: 1. Click on the Manage User Accounts tab. 2. Select the checkbox next to the account you wish to delete. 3. When you are ready, click on the Submit button.
- How do I change my login password?
To change the password of a user account: 1. Click on the Manage User Accounts tab. 2. Click on the desired user email account. 3. Enter the new password in the Change Password panel on the right. Click on the Update button to save the new password.
- How do I add my user accounts to the Doteasy Email Protection System?
By default, the Doteasy Email Protection System is setup to offer domain-wide email protection and a single administrator has been created for you to manage all held messages. However, if you require account-specific filtering, you can also setup individual user accounts. Each of these user ac ...
- Will Doteasy Email Protection System notify me of my trapped messages?
By default, the Doteasy Email Protection System will notify you daily of trapped messages. The Doteasy Email Protection notification email will not allow you to click on a spam message to release it from the spam trap. Instead you will interact with Doteasy Email Protection System via the web ...
- I want to change my Doteasy Email Protection display preferences.
You can make further changes to your spam filtering settings in the Preferences section. This page allows you to set display and notification preferences. 1. Click on Preferences. 2. Select Preferences. 3. You can change the following display settings: · Number of messages ...
- What is Bulk Blacklisting/Whitelisting?
The Bulk Entry page allows you to enter a large number of hosts, domains or senders into the blacklist or whitelist table at the same time. To see the Bulk Entry page, click on Rules and then Bulk Entry. On the Bulk Blacklisting and Whitelisting page: · Enter the i ...
- How do I set Domain rules?
Doteasy Email Protection System can make decisions based just on the domain part of the email address. The domain part is everything after the “@” sign. For example, the domain part of staff@doteasy.com is Doteasy.com. To see the domain rules list, click on Rules and then Domains. ...
- How do I set Sender rules?
Doteasy Email Protection System can take specific actions based on the sender’s email address. To see the sender rules list: 1. Click on Rules. 2. Select Senders. The Senders page appears. The columns in the table are: a) Sender – the email address of a sender b) ...
- I am looking for a specific message but I don’t have the incident ID.
You can use the Search page to perform a sophisticated message search by attributes such as status, subject and recipient, hold reason, spam score and ate. 1. Click on Trap Contents. 2. Select Search. 3. Enter the search attributes and click on the Submit button.
- I want to view a specific incident.
To view an incident given its incident ID: 1. Click on Trap Contents. 2. Select Specific Incident. 3. Type the incident ID and press Go.
- What information is contained in the Incident Detail?
To view the details about a pending message incident, click on the date of the particular message. The incident page contains the following information: a) Incident ID is a number assigned to each pending message. This ID lets you track down the pending message. b) Date is t ...
- What are the different message disposition options?
In the Status and Action display, all pending message has an entry box that determines possible actions for each message in the spam trap. The possible options for the action are: a) Do Nothing – leave the status of the message as pending for now. b) Accept Message ...
- Links in the Message Summary Display – where would they take me?
The Message Summary Display contains many links. These links are as follows: a) Click on the Date to display incident details. b) Click on the Subject to display the first portion of the message body. ( c) The Sender entry is split into three parts. Click on th ...
- What do the fields on the Trap Contents tables (Message Summary Display) mean?
The Doteasy Email Protection System presents messages in a table called the Message Summary Display. a) Date – The date and time the message was first received. b) Subject – The message subject. c) Sender – The sender of the message. Technically, the information in the ...
- How do I view and manage the contents of my Spam Trap?
The Trap Contents page shows you the messages that your Doteasy Email Protection System thinks might be spam and lets you release or discard these quarantined messages. The Trap Content page is divided into the following tabs: a) Pending – displays pending messages b) ...
- What is the Spam Threshold and how should I set it?
All emails have a spam score. The spam score is determined by the spam-scanning rules. The higher the score, the more “spam-like” the message appears. Any message scoring 5 or higher is held in the pending trap. The strictest (strongest) setting corresponds to holding all messag ...
- The Spam Quarantine Notification states that I have 99 quarantined messages. But when I log into my admin account, I only see 3!
The spam quarantine notification sent to the domain email administrator is actually a summary of the total count of quarantined messages in both the email administrator and the default “catch-all” quarantine accounts.
- Why is the Doteasy Email Protection System spamming me with daily Spam Quarantine Notifications?
By default, the Doteasy Email Protection System sends spam quarantine notifications on a daily basis. The spam quarantine notifications are to advise you that your Doteasy Email Protection System has identified email messages which could be spam and have placed them in your Spam Quarantine Inbo ...