SSL/TLS Manager

The SSL and TLS features are intended to make your website more secure. These features generate and manage SSL certificates, signing requests, and keys. This is useful for websites that will use logins and credit card numbers, since information will be sent to and from your website over the Internet as encrypted data versus plain text. This makes it difficult for malicious users to intercept communications between visitors and your website.

Add a Private Key

1. Click on the Private Keys (KEY) link.

2. Enter your domain name in the Domain the Key is for field or click the Choose File button to upload a *.key file.

3. Click on the Install button.

Remember: Click the Install button to properly install the private key to the server.

Generate a New Key

If an entirely new key is needed:

1. Select the desired domain name from the pull-down menu, or type it into the Host field.

2. Click the Generate button to generate the new key.

The Key will automatically be installed on the server and will appear in the list under the Keys on Server heading once it has been generated.

Add a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

The signing request form is required for obtaining a certificate from an SSL provider. The SSL provider may require information in a specific way. If this is true for your SSL provider, take the steps to make sure the information is presented in the required way.

To generate a CSR:

1. Click on the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) link.

2. Select the host from the Host pull-down menu.

3. Fill in the rest of the appropriate information in the fields below the menu.

4. Click the Generate button.

Note: You must have a key prior to generating a signing request.

Add a Certificate


When installing a trusted certificate obtained through an SSL provider, use the features beneath the Upload a New Certificate heading.

Upload an Existing Certificate

To upload the certificate:

1. Click on the Certificates (CRT) link.

2. Paste the certificate into the text box, or upload a *.crt file using the Choose File button.


3. Click the Upload button to install the certificate onto the server.

Article Details

Last Updated
23rd of December, 2014

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